Friday, January 30, 2009

Hunt for a perfect cellphone goes on

My SE K750i started creating problems in terms of joystick malfunctioning around three months ago. Before it goes worse and the phone becomes unusable, let's buy a new phone, I thought. I never knew that the search of a perfect phone is going to be worse than earlier. I was looking for a business phone this time... er... in fact still am.

Preferences are (in descending order): Very good web-browser, full QWERTY keyboard, non-buggy OS, effective push email support, contacts sync, 2-day battery backup with a little overuse and GPS. Yes, GPS is the only fancy feature that I wish to have in my next mobile phone.

I had short-listed BlackBerry Curve 8310, iPhone 3G and HTC Dream (Google G1). Curve being the cheapest and iPhone the costliest. It seems very easy comparison at the moment and it looks like that coming up with a winner is not a difficult task. But it became difficult as time passed on and as more and more options started coming in.

Blackberry Curve 8310 has great battery life, excellent email service, good keyboard, OS and everything else that I was looking for in a phone, except my top priority i.e. good web browser. Then I came to know about Curve 8900 coming to India. It was a better phone than the 8310 but had similar web browsing experience. Blackberry Storm was better at this but turned out to be one of the worst Blackberry phones every existed. My bad luck! I ruled out Blackberry Curve 8310, 8900, Bold and Storm. Another reason not for going with BB at the moment is the fact that I don't want to shell out about 1200 rupees per month for BB services. I don't roam around (I do but I am in office or at home most of the time), going for BB seemed like a waste of money. Bye bye Blackberry. See you later!

Rajeev has an iPhone 3G and I love it for its web browsing experience. But it has bad battery life and it's expensive! Rs.31,000 for a phone is a little too much for me!

I hated Google G1. It looked like a phone from stone-age. But as I kept researching about the Android platform and its capabilities, I fell in love with it. It is coming for about 21,000 rupees, if someone you know in USA can bring it to India for you. I could have bought it if the phone looked like a full-fledged working device. Android is evolving and the phone is yet to go where it should be. No donut for me here either. But anyways, my next phone would be an Android, G1, G2 or whatever.


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